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Glacial Coast Detox Masque + Brush Kit

LONG AGO...In a remote region of coastal British Columbia, the legends say that the Eagle Spirit gently laid the injured chieftain in a bed of clay where his wounds healed. The people of the Pacific North have used Glacial Marine Clay for centuries for its healing and purifying properties. This mask cleanses and purifies the pores and is rich in marine actives, micro nutrients and vitamins to help retain moisture and radiance of your skin. Deep detox: Glacial Marine Clay and Bentonite Clay work to absorb dirt and oil, and cleanse pores. Pacific Seaweed and Dandelion Root extracts provide a rich source of vitamins B12 ,vitamin A and trace elements to help draw out impurities for a deep cleansing experience. Pore shrinking power: Peppermint and Strawberry Extracts refresh and tone dull complexions, while their astringent properties and salicylic acid reduce the appearance of large pores.